The INTER-NDA toolkit is a novel, low-cost, international package of assessment tools for the simplified and rapid identification of neurodevelopmental delays in young children by non-specialist assessors.
The toolkit consists of:
(1) The INTER-NDA, a comprehensive assessment of cognition, motor, language and behaviour skills administered in 15 minutes;
(2) The first international early child development standards constructed according to WHO guidelines, presented as centiles on a chart
(3) Standardised tests of vision, auditory processing and sleep
(4) A bespoke educational package for training and standardising assessors, and for the INTER-NDA’s cultural customisation
(5) A checklist to guide implementation in clinical practice, research and health programmes; and
(6) an automated, web-based ‘App’ to calculate INTER-NDA scores and interpret END risk in <60s.
Assessment time: 40-45 minutes.
Click on the images below to access further information.
The toolkit consists of:
(1) The INTER-NDA, a comprehensive assessment of cognition, motor, language and behaviour skills administered in 15 minutes;
(2) The first international early child development standards constructed according to WHO guidelines, presented as centiles on a chart
(3) Standardised tests of vision, auditory processing and sleep
(4) A bespoke educational package for training and standardising assessors, and for the INTER-NDA’s cultural customisation
(5) A checklist to guide implementation in clinical practice, research and health programmes; and
(6) an automated, web-based ‘App’ to calculate INTER-NDA scores and interpret END risk in <60s.
Assessment time: 40-45 minutes.
Click on the images below to access further information.
INTER-NDACognition, Fine & Gross Motor, Language, Positive & Negative Behaviour
(15 minutes) SLEEP AssessmentActigraphy over 5 days, Sleep Questionnaire
(5 minutes) |
VISION ASSESSMENTVisual Acuity & Contrast Sensitivity
(5 minutes) AUDITORY ASSESSMENTCortical Auditory ERPs using wireless EEG
(15 minutes) |